Masada it is the most popular destination of tourists visiting Israel. It attracts a large number of travelers every year. Masada is an ancient fortress, which is located near the Arad town, on the shores of the Dead Sea. It can be reached by taxi or any other public transport from Tel Aviv (where the large Central Airport is located).
This powerful fortress is almost impregnable, because it is surrounded by steep jagged cliffs. However, you can still get close to it by a narrow path called “the snake”. If you are strong enough to overpower the rise, you will see the rhomboid, flat plateau of Masada measures 600 x 300 m. The casemate wall (two parallel walls with partitions dividing the space between them into rooms), is 1400m long and 4m wide. It was built along the edge of the plateau, above the steep cliffs, and it had 30 towers.
The tour to this little town will be surprisingly interesting and exciting pastime.