Taxi Kiryat Shmona

Kiryat Shmona has everything to have a good rest. It has an excellent environment, clean air, breathtaking panorama of mountain ranges and the high standard of living. You can get here from Tel Aviv (where the International Airport is located) by taxi or public transport.

Many tourists prefer to rent a car to have individual excursions, including excursions to their favorite little town of Kiryat Shmona. The one of the important sights of the city is the Museum, which is dedicated to the memory of defenders of Tel Hai.

Everyone has an opportunity to study the museum exhibits. They will tell you about the life of Jewish residents of a bygone era. In addition, there are agricultural implements used by the settlers. The military cemetery is also located here.

There is the lion statue with the next words in the stone pedestal: "Happiness is to die for our country." In addition, the city has a lot of entertainment spots, restaurants and cafes, where you can relax and enjoy your rest.


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