Taxi Jordan River Crossing

Passing by the Jordan River or the bridge of Sheikh Hussein is an international border crossing between Irbid, Jordan and Beit she'an, Israel. Opened in November 1994, is currently one of three points of entry / exit between the two countries used by tourists.

The checkpoint "the River Jordan" is the northernmost border point at the Jordan river, located near the city of Beit Shean and the kibbutzim of the valley of Beit she'an.

Due to the close location to Rabat Amon, this checkpoint is used by Israelis and tourists from other countries, who concern about the distance between Rabat-Amon, Haifa and Northern Israel. From the checkpoint "the River Jordan" you can get to Beit Shean by bus or taxi.

How to order our services?

Anyone can make an order to reserve or call the car to the desired point. You just need to fill out a form, provide personal information, and specify the time and date. Also choose the type of service and pay the order.
Another way is to dial the number and book transfer. 


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